A doppelganger's life: you shall go to the ball, Cinderella

I find myself alone tonight

The boss is out teaching. This I know. The boys are no where to be found. Where have they gone?

Earlier in the day I received a message from the boss telling me that the landlord’s son will be over to inspect the back door that would not close. There would be a window when no one would be home – between when she left and I got in.

OK. But where would the boys be?

I arrived home to the palace, beautiful and well maintained as it is now that I have managed to engage the boys in helping to clean – true. But where was everyone?

The back door seems fine. I can find no fault.

The boys are absent. Did this relate to the earlier piece of advice that no one would be here? But where have they gone? Was there some scheduled event that I was told about but forgot, and am too proud to ask about? Maybe.

So now I am alone in the house, synchronising Schubert to my iPad, satisfied that the universe is operating as it should, wondering if perhaps I have fallen through a crack into an alternate universe. Ave Maria, indeed.

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